
Before Mr. and I were married we talked about adoption.  We both knew that someday our lives would be complemented by children and most likely that would involve adoption.

Once we were married, we decided that after 3 years we would begin looking into the adoption process.  We figured that from start to finish, the process would take at least a year so we would still have plenty of time to get used to the idea.  Here is the timeline so far.

Our Adoption timeline

April 8, 2010– We turned in our application for Hawaii International Child and decided to adopt from Africa.

April 19, 2010– Began Home study process.

April 24, 2010– Completed pre-adoption training course.

July 6, 2010– Home study completed.

July 23, 2010- Fingerprint appointment completed.

August 6, 2010– USCIS approved.

August 13, 2010- Officially on the wait list for a 0-3 year old child.

August 25, 2010– Referral Day! 21 month old boy better known as ‘the Wolf Cub’.

January 25,2011– Dossier arrived in Africa ( documents including our home study that are needed for adoption) and court date filed for.

February 22,2011- Got a call saying our court date is set!

March 3,2011– Leave for Africa!!!

April 5, 2011- Gotcha Day. Judge ruled in favor of our case!

April 19, 2011-Leave Africa with our son.

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