Tuesday run: Pushing the limit

I was feeling a little under the weather this weekend so I didn’t end up running at all.  It’s two weeks until the marathon and I really should have done a long run of 20+ miles already but I have not.  I decided last night that I would try to split up my run in order to get the mileage in but not be so hard on my body.

Some runners do just fine at maintaining the motivation to do multiple runs in a day, this is Pam Reed… others have a harder time doing this…I fall somewhere in between.  Sometimes it’s no problem for me and other times I run out of steam not too long into my second run.  I find it much easier to do one run by myself and the other with friends so there is some distraction from the running.

So I ended up running a little over 6 miles in the morning which felt awesome.  After lunch I ran another 5 miles before work.  I made sure to do a ton of stretching so I would be able to keep going without feeling sore. After that I ran with my friend  Zan’s big black dog to complete 6.5 more miles by the end of the night.  I felt great.

I used the Chocolate Cherry cliff shot on my last run which I was skeptical about but it was actually pretty good.

I also ran a short recovery run this morning to loosen up my muscles so I would say I have done pretty well.  I am now officially tapering off to get ready for the Marathon, wish me luck.

don’t be numb

Lately I have been feeling a little detached.  I have known for a while now that I have been adding distraction after distraction into my life and just trying to avoid what is really going on.

I have no control over our adoption and that is frustrating if I think about it.  If I hear one more person say that “early next year” is “just around the corner” I am going to scream!  I mean, it just doesn’t feel that way.  Here it is, almost December and I feel like I have a million years to wait.

We have been waiting to hear from our agency about progress, waiting to get an update on the wolf cub and it’s just getting old.  Not hearing ANYTHING is much harder than hearing what might be going on with other families.

I did hear about one family who has been waiting months to go and get their child and they finally received word last week.  I was initially extremely happy for them those feelings were immediately replaced with ” what about me?”.

This morning I got my answer.  I was reading and I felt comfort.  I need to be trusting that God cares about what I’m going through.  He doesn’t want me to just numbly walk my way past things, he wants me to trust him to walk with me (Matt 11:28-29). God is taking care of things for us and I need to have faith and engage with him.