I’m ready for a nap

Today is a get crap done kinda day. I prepped breakfast last night so i wouldn’t have to worry about it and now I just have to worry about not shoving it all down my throat.
I made baked Sourdough French Toast

20140503-133349.jpgI always feel like Saturdays are a ‘special breakfast’ day and this was amazing. A bi on the sweet side but tasty nonetheless.

Next stop was the farmers market for lots of fresh veggies. Apparently I’ll be juicing this week. Yuck.

20140503-221134.jpg. After that it was a “quick” trip to Home Depot and Costco. I’m working on this little headboard DIY project so hopefully it will be done soon and I can show.
By the time I got to costco I was painfully aware of the fact that I didn’t have any coffee with my French toast.
I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible which is practically impossible when at any warehouse superstore.
So much for my long run, I spent the rest of the afternoon eating tortilla chips and mango salsa. Oh well.

Weekend update

Just so you don’t think I fell off…

20130818-172431.jpgyep, I been runnin, don’t you worry.

Oh yeah dude stretching it out too!


That wasn’t the only one either!

After my super intense running…I also got some thrifting in

It’s amazing what $5 will get you these days:)

Hope you had a great weekend!
