Weekend update

Last week ended with a little run before work on Friday.

20140624-131431.jpgmy heel is still hurting, not as bad as it was but it hurts. I think I got a deep bruise but that takes time get better. Or I’m lazy

20140624-152637.jpgand wanted to eat delicious food and drinks.
I wasn’t entirely useless though, the kid and I decided to participate in a beach cleanup.

20140624-154128.jpgit was fun and we just went and played at a different beach later so it wasn’t all work.

I hit the pavement today so I’ll let you hear all the details tomorrow. Hope you had a good weekend!

Stay Real.

I’m still here

So now that it’s Friday,lets play catchup!

I have continued to run. I’m trying to work on my stamina since the plague and all that but shorter distances have become the reg for a minute.

I have also made friends with an entire ranch.

I also went to a comedy show,

And even learned how to use a power tool!

What have you kittens been up to???
