I’ll be back

Sorry I been MIA babies…

After a major mini freak-out that E started full-time preschool yesterday I’m back on track!

I’m just on a slight hiatus from blogging for the week, so I can manage my life.

I’ll be back soon, try not to miss me too much kittens.


I had a better day than Ice Cube

I’m not sure about you but my weekend turned out to be awesome.

First I partied with that kid

Then today after church I spent the afternoon taking care of some important business…

20121125-221118.jpgI got my nails did and then I finally saw Breaking Dawn!

20121125-221203.jpgI think my only real issue with it was the creepy digi baby throughout. Yikes.
Other than that I thought it was a good conclusion.

Sadly I’m now at work until late but my weekend was fun while it lasted.

Did you do anything amazing this weekend?
