Tell em Babs

I’ve been having a hard time dealing with people lately. People can be jerks man. Like why some people are just grouchy and then try and sink other people’s ‘happy boat’ I’m not sure.

It’s not like I’m Pollyanna or anything don’t get me wrong but if I walk into some place all, ” good morning!” And they just grunt at me, it’s like a freakin down pour on my good attitude.

I mean, how hard is it to put on a smile and at least fake some warmth for somebody? Anyway, I’m working on my response because that’s what I can do. Besides praying I won’t punch them in the face I’ve started thinking of silly songs .

Well that’s the plan so far and it seems to be working out.
Currently I’m trying to self diagnose and treat an injury so I’m using this.

This cold compress wrap is made with Eskimo tears and I’m pretty sure there are little gremlins inside that repair your busted biz. Google it.
Actually I don’t know how it works but it’s amazing and I love it.

Stay Real.

Tears with a side of steak

Last week I let a few things go. I mean, I had to. With adjustments and stress and working and you know, life, my running got pushed to the side and cried a little in the corner alone.
I’m a little more balanced( or organized) this week so I’ve already started off well.

20140617-092547.jpgyesterday, the kid went to his summer program and I got a tiny run in before work.
I am the king of the world.
2 miles is better than no miles, amens?

I’m glad I did because my workday ended up being pretty stressful and I just wanted to curl up and cry somewhere…with my sad running.
Well boo thang wanted to take care of me last night so after the kid was asleep, he made me a steak dinner.

Did not finish it but maybe one of the best homemade steaks of my life.

Anyway, I’m off to run now on my day off so we will see how many miles I can log and how much frustration I can kill lol.

Stay Real.