‘Merican Weekend Update 

Well kids, June has come and gone, hello juuuuliii!We spent the day fam jamming it up in the little town of Kailua. This is of course my favorite spot for a parade of any kind beacause I’m a firm believer this place gives out the most swag at events#thatswhyicame.

After walking away with some fans, water bottle holders and sticker we made our way back to town to catch one of the best fireworks shows I’ve seen in years! Yay ‘Merica!

I was only slightly dreading Sunday because of all the sausages and chips I ate…it was the patriotic thing to do…I was planning on my long run of 9-11 miles.Of course I woke up late so it was warmer than I was hoping. Great.  

Oh well, my ankle was feeling great and I was excited to get going.  I walked the first mile because my PT told me to.  After that, I ran a really flat and straight path.  I wore compression tights and socks and I really think it helped.  

I rested a few hours, went to see the new Terminator movie ( which was awesome) and then lifted some weights later. You know, all in a day’s work.  

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Weekend update

A little late but better than never…this weekend was fun-filled, long and very much needed. The dog, the kid and I went out to kailua for a parade.

20140708-214629.jpgscheduled for two hours it might as well be two years to a child. Luckily I came prepared with snacks! It was also the most swag I’ve ever seen given away.

20140708-214909.jpgwe ended the day with homemade pizza and some cider. Yum.
The next day we were all a bit tired so we just relaxed most of morning, took a nap and then boo boo wanted tacos for dinner so we did that crap.

After all the fun, I had to work a few hours at the running store on Sunday so I ran my bloated self down there…in the middle of the f-ing day.

20140708-215321.jpg I forgot my sponge so I just threw a wet paper towel in the freezer when I got there and shoved that baby in my shirt about 5 min later. It. Was. Glorious. I ran to meet my little fam over at the beach so I got in just over 5 miles that day which was perfect.

Hope you had a great weekend, now let’s get over the hump!

Stay Real.