Whole Week update

Well Gary there kittens, it’s been a while.  I thought I would update you on last week real quick, are you ready?

Memorial Day there was a ceremony at the beach where there are lanterns lit for loved ones past. 

The next day I went to my first physical therapy appointment. My PT said I had some range of motion to work on but other than that I’m looking good.  Duh.End of the year school performances for the kid on another day.  Of course, trying to push myself with workouts and not gain 20lbs with this injury.Last but certainly not least, I wore my new Oofos every step of the way.  I kid you not, the most comfortable footwear for injuries, recovery, working, walking on the moon or whatever!!!

So that was my whole week, how was yours??

Tiger mom-1 hurricanes-0

Last day before school starts and preparing for a hurricane are actually pretty similar.
They are both full I planning for the unexpected and worst case situations. For us, that meant dealing with some anxious energy and excitement so I chose prolonged physical activity.

20140807-155904.jpg we decided to “hike” from our house to the base of Diamond head crater.

20140807-160142.jpg I’m not sure how else to put this experience except to say it was nonstop everything. From 7am this kid was wired and talking a million miles a minute so I was hoping the uphill climb would at least make him have to catch his breath…nope. What if we walk faster…nope…what if we run for like 10 minute intervals…nope.
After the hike we ran errands and I mean he was running up and down the isles while I was looking for water.

20140807-160641.jpg I found 5 bottles#fail.
After a short nap time ( minus the nap) we went to the neighborhood pool to try and burn off even more energy.

20140807-160810.jpghomeboy was even super brave and jumped in the “deep” water. He was so proud.
So that’s been my working out, trying to work out this little fool so he could get a good nights sleep and I think it worked because his first day he was looking fancy fresh.

Now hopefully these little storms will feel like nothing.

Stay real.