Then vs. Now

I was never really diligent about a training program.  I may have at some point, loosely followed novice marathon plans (Hal Higdons) but in real life, I just did what I wanted.

My “training” was running 4 times a week and one of those runs being a long run of 8-12 miles.  My goal was to be half-marathon ready on any given day.  I never lifted weights, I never cross trained,I rarely stretched.

After my injury this all changed.  

I fractured my ankle 8 weeks ago and outlook on training has drastically changed.  First I had to work on some mental training.  At first I just felt sorry for myself and depressed that I couldn’t run and was probably gonna gain 20lbs#fatandsad.  I had to come up with a plan and I had to do it fast. 

First, I had to tell myself that weights and cross training were worth while.

I also had to train myself to love the water and not just the beach.

Basically I had to overhaul my mind so I could build up my body again.

Weights are helping me be a better runner and recover faster.  I have been lifting weights 3 or 4 times a week and it’s been awesome.  After a 20-30min warmup, I do another 20-30 min of weight training without stopping. This keeps my heart rate up and helps me burn more calories, score!

Cross-training is also helping me be a better runner and recover faster. My bust up body has forced me to do lower impact cardio.  I could walk, cycle and elliptical but the best thing for me (according to the Dr.) was swimming.  I would swim for 30-45 min and then try and bike or walk as well.  I’m still easing back into running but it’s going great! I’m running 3x per week from3-5miles with eliptical or bike on my off days. Oh and FYI, I’m running at the same if not faster pace now than before my injury. 

I’m still not very good at stretching but hey, you can’t be good at everything right?

I’m currently going to physical therapy and I’m on track to run my next marathon this September on Kauai! Hope to see you there:)


The battle begins

This is where I’m at and I’m not even racing, just training haha.

These are the times that test me the most. Once I’m at race day, its over. I’ve already proved I can finish.

It’s the day in, day out. Running when there’s no medal after. Those are the times when my spirit is tested the most.

Plus, I think hey, if I can run for 5 hours I can probably do just about anything for 5 hours lol.

Stay Real.