Party drinks

Last night I attended a birthday party for two very lovely ladies.

20130427-101835.jpgIt was a wine making and tasting party!

I was in heaven.

It was fabulous! Sitting around talking to beautiful people while drinking wine…perf

Needless to say, my weekend had been pretty awesome. Hope yours is too!


Fixing E

So E’s foot was all jacked up. I could spend the time explaining exactly why and what happened but suffice it to say, he had an incomplete surgery when he was in Africa( before becoming a Wolf).

So there we had some fixin to do.

He was super excited about the TV’s in every room. He was least excited about not being able to eat breakfast before he had to go.

That’s my boy.

So we got him all changed and I elected to take him to get the anesthesia.

20130425-103522.jpgHe was super brave and only freaked out when they put the gas mask on him.

Post-op he was pretty groggy but managed to pound a few otter pops before falling asleep on my hand.

I love that little guy.

He’s recovering nicely and might even get to go home today! Thanks to everyone who has been encouraging and supportive.
