Thirsty Thursday

Well suck me sideways, it’s already Thursday!
Today I had to get up and get to running. With interviews back to back, I needed to get it done early and good thing because it’s getting hotter kittens.

And look who’s making a comeback, my old Gar gar…precious.

I felt good even though it was hot until I got passed by this cursive tourist couple in the park. Then I just lost my motivation and my body kicked into, ‘ this is the worst idea ever’ mode.

Real Talk.

I figured I could at least make it up the hill to the next drinking fountain before rewarding myself with a little break.

It was worth it.

When all was said and done I ran 5 miles. I’m not sure if I’m the only one who does this but I think about food a lot while I’m running.

So after this run, I was ready for an egg and hummus sandwich with some sautéed greens.
The wine is my new personal goal. According to they have compiled a list of 16 great wines under$15 and someone needs to do some fact checking.

Challenge accepted.

Thirsty Thursday

Man, I freakin love Pintrest. I mean all that crap on there gives me so many ideas of projects I’ll never do lol.

It would for sure be better if I was ‘tech savvy’


Anyway I get online and get on these kicks. Like the time I had to watch the biggest loser everyday while eating ice cream and crying at the sad stories. You’re welcome for that mental picture.

So for this Thirsty Thursday and because we are heading into summer, I’ll share with you my latest obsession watermelon.

This particular treat came from Lauren Conrad’s site
This next one had a faulty website but it still looks amazing.

Watermelon, coconut water, squeeze of lime ( and some vodka) would make this an especially refreshing spring/summer treat.


Happy almost Friday!