Head trauma and Happy Hour don’t mix

My workout last night was running 4 miles with Mandrake.  I was huffing and puffing pushing my kid in the stroller so we called it quits with 4.   We then headed over to a Mexcian restaurant that boasted “all day Happy Hour”!

( You had me at all day…)The setting was awesome and the food was acceptable but you wanna know what was lame?  The umbrella on over the table snapped in half and hit me right on the head and shoulder.

I feel you Michael.

I wasn’t quick enough to take a picture but you get the point.  My head still kind of hurts so I’m hoping I don’t need to go to the hospital or anything.  I have a Dr.’s appt. this week so if there is any real damage they are totally liable right??

Anyway, here’s hoping I don’t have internal bleeding

Red carpet showdown

I had so much fun writing my race review today that I thought I should go ahead and write a little something to the Academy as well.

Hands down the best dressed of the 2012 Oscars was…

Jessica Chastain.

Her competition also looked amazing

Octavia, you looked fab honey and you know Oscar goes perfect with that dress.

I have rarely been disappointed by Michelle Williams.  She is beautiful and knows exactly what she is doing on the red carpet.  Then there is Emma Stone who is out of control hilarious.  My friend Nicole was obsessed with her all night and decided that she should come and hang out with us.  Emma, holla at me if you get some free time.

Last but certainly not least are these lovelies that I couldn’t stop talking about the entire show…

Viola, love the green and the new hair.  Zan is convinced that Tracy Anderson dvd’s are going to make her look like Gwyneth and who doesn’t love Meryl Streep???

I had so much fun at that party I will be sure to step up my game for next year.  I might even wear a dress instead of my pajama jeans 🙂