Post race

Basically I do what everyone does after they run a grip of miles, I stuff my face.

20140429-204222.jpgI got some pretty tasty treats from the recovery tent but then I had some trail mix and berries on the drive home but that was it.
I felt naucious on the drive so I decided to wait to really grind until later. Later turned into dinner at like 7:00.

20140429-204458.jpgDon’t let the smile in the kid-selfie fool you I was off the charts HANGRY and was about to go back into the kitchen to get my bottomless steak fries! ( we went to Red Robin) once they finally came I’m pretty sure I ate two baskets by myself.

No judgement.

Sadly I had to leave that cute kid the next day and head back to Hawaii.

20140429-205009.jpgafter a long run, it’s just about the worst thing ever to sit on a plane for 5 1/2 hours but I made up for it by going on a short and very painful, I might add, run as soon as I got home.
I think my immune system is down a bit so I’m not very hungry but I made a yummy dinner that I managed to enjoy.

20140429-205612.jpg Honey lime chicken tacos with lime cilantro rice. Fast, easy and totally delish.
I also drank a skinny girl margarita, it was taco Tuesday and margaritas are almost mandatory. I don’t make the rules…I just follow them.
Anyway tomorrow will be my first attempt at a normal run after the marathon. I’ll be sure to take some honest pictures haha.

Big Sur part 2

I have always been the type of runner that on race day will just run.

I’m probably the least prepared runner on the course at any given time and here’s why;
1. I never look at the course…EVER. I like to be blissfully unaware of what is ahead of me and just deal with it when it comes.
B#2 I almost always forget something that would’ve been useful on race day. Usually small things like painkillers or GU but sometimes it’s big like breaking in new shoes, I’ve neglected to do that before, yikes.

So I saw the hill in front of me at the halfway point and I just kept moving forward. The key that I’ve found to uphills is to kept a rhythm and try to excrete the same amount of energy NOT trying to keep the same pace I had on the flat parts. Now the downhill is a battle between wanting to sprint and holding back. If you go to fast you’re toast and if you hold back too much your quads are sore. I kept a pretty good balance until the end of the race and then I was over it.

20140429-075655.jpg I made it to the top and then the bottom of the forever hill and there was this,

Yeah that’s real.
What was unreal was the view!

At this point I have done 13 miles, ran up the biggest hill of my life and I know I can do anything. My attitude changed.

I was suddenly very aware that this whole thing was really happening. I was running this marathon. What I mean is, it wasn’t a question in my mind anymore of IF I was going to finish but when.

From then on, I enjoyed the scenery (including mini horses) and settled in to a comfortable pace for the rest of the run.

When I say ‘ comfortable pace’ that means the cute old couple hold hands…walking…they were for sure in front of me. Whateves.

After literally all the ups and downs I made it to the end feeling good! I sprinted across the finish line and headed straight for the beer tent.
