Weekend Update

I know it’s late but things have been a little busy around here kids.  

So last weekend was my boo-thang’s birthday! Instead of going out to a fancy dinner we spent the day together on the North shore.  We played, broke an umbrella and found some tide pools!

fun was had and an early bedtime was much appreciated.  

Yesterday I went for a 3 mile run before work and it was gorgeous….except that it was so hot I almost drowned in my own sweat…it almost happened.  

Today I went to the gym and lifted. Tomorrow is another run day with lots of walking too!  Oh and I’ve decided to try drinking a shake after my gym days so stay tuned in my search for the perfect protein!

Stay Real.

Tubby strikes again

So the last few days I’ve felt like an eating machine.  After I ran my 10k, I just became lazy and sooo hungry.  I guess not hungry just could.not.stop.eating.  Do you ever have those days( or weeks in my case)???

I felt like I would rather lift caramel corn to my mouth than lift weights. 

Popsugar knows my life.  If I had a chipotle, I would’ve eaten them out of business#realtalk. 

Instead I just ate a Costco bag of caramel and cheddar popcorn…no judgement.  

I’m hoping to get some longer runs in this weekend and some more motivation to go to the gym.

Maybe I can make up for all the junk I’ve been eating lol.  

Stay Real.