Weekend update

A little late but better than never…this weekend was fun-filled, long and very much needed. The dog, the kid and I went out to kailua for a parade.

20140708-214629.jpgscheduled for two hours it might as well be two years to a child. Luckily I came prepared with snacks! It was also the most swag I’ve ever seen given away.

20140708-214909.jpgwe ended the day with homemade pizza and some cider. Yum.
The next day we were all a bit tired so we just relaxed most of morning, took a nap and then boo boo wanted tacos for dinner so we did that crap.

After all the fun, I had to work a few hours at the running store on Sunday so I ran my bloated self down there…in the middle of the f-ing day.

20140708-215321.jpg I forgot my sponge so I just threw a wet paper towel in the freezer when I got there and shoved that baby in my shirt about 5 min later. It. Was. Glorious. I ran to meet my little fam over at the beach so I got in just over 5 miles that day which was perfect.

Hope you had a great weekend, now let’s get over the hump!

Stay Real.