Dumpy studio, take 1!

Ok kittens, here is a peek into my new pad.

20130207-215822.jpgit’s tiny but doing my best to make it homey and cute.

I still haven’t had the chance to put any pictures up but I’m hoping to remedy that this weekend!

I am having some ladies from work over tomorrow so I’ll be sure to take some pics of my first real get together:)


Full of something

Sorry I’ve been so busy kittens. This week has been stress and full and any combination of those two words you can imagine.

I found a new place and started moving which has taken up most of my free time besides the time I am with my mom and E and oh yeah working EVERYDAY.

It’s all good though. I’m trying my best to make my dumpy little studio into something comfortable and cute. Pictures to come but for now, know that I miss all of you ( and by that I mean that I wish you were all here to help me move my crap).

