Sausage fest 2014

I’m gonna be real honest with you kittens, it was tubby’s day. I mean Capital T-ubby.
Even though I chomped on some oatmeal I could feel it. You know, when your running clothes look like a sausage casing.
Most days it’s not quite so bad. Most days I feel ok but then realize later I looked like a hot mess.


So of course, I made tubby run it out. We started in the neighborhood but I tried a few streets down and ran into fall.

We also got to visit one of BP’s little buds.

He checks for this duck every time we run by.
That was halfway and by the time we finished I was ready for some grub.

That was number 1 for the week. Maybe speed drills tomorrow, yuck.

In your mouth

I’m not sure you realize this about me but I eat…a lot. I’ve been on a diet like two times in my life and they were both disasters. Lasted a week tops.
I just have never been able to do it! If I want something I eat it. In new cities I like to find the best food.
I think about and plan my eating pretty much all the time and this is why Pintrest is my new best friend. My board of foods is ridiculous and I’m always looking forward to the new tatsy biz I can shove in my face.
This week I tried a few recipes with moderate success lol

This chicken Parmesan turned out great. I didn’t have any bread crumbs so I substituted spices. Yum.

I am a huge fan of easy deserts and I try to use up what I have in my less than impressive kitchen. This week is was ‘ not enough bisquick for pancakes’. So I found this;

This Bisquick cobbler was my solution. Sub in some blueberries and use honey instead of sugar and boom!